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Additional Options

In this article, you'll learn about additional options

Updated over a month ago


MigrationPro offers free additional options before the migration. In this article, you will find all the additional options and their meanings.

Target Store Data Reset

Before starting the migration, if you check "Target Store Data Reset" from the additional options, you can clear specific groups of entities — including categories, products, customers, orders, CMS pages, blog posts, and cart rules — from your target store. This provides a clean slate for incoming data from the source store, reducing the risk of conflicts or duplications during migration and ensuring a smoother transition to your new store setup.

Migrate Content Images from Products, Categories, CMS and Blog Posts ($29)

Before starting the migration, if you check "Migrate Content Images from Products, Categories, CMS and Blog Posts" from the additional options, all images embedded in the HTML content of products, categories, and blog posts from your source store will be automatically extracted and transferred to your target store. Please note that the visual appearance might change due to differences in store themes, but this option ensures the preservation of essential visual content.

Maintain Order IDs in Target Store ($29)

Before starting the migration, if you check "Maintain Order IDs in Target Store" from the additional options, the order IDs from your source store will be retained in the target store after migration. This ensures seamless record-keeping and maintains a consistent order history, making it easier to track and manage orders post-migration. This option is essential for businesses that want to preserve the integrity of their order data during the transition.

Implement 301 Redirects in Target Store Post-Migration ($29)

Before starting the migration, if you check "Implement 301 Redirects in Target Store Post-Migration" from the additional options, 301 redirects will be automatically created for products, categories, and CMS pages in your target store after the migration. This feature preserves the SEO rankings of your source store by redirecting old URLs to their new counterparts in the target store, ensuring a smooth transition for both search engines and users while preventing broken links that could negatively impact user experience and SEO.

Convert Categories to Shopify Automated Collections ($29)

Before starting the migration, if you check "Convert Categories to Shopify Automated Collections" from the additional options, all product categories and subcategories from your source store will be seamlessly converted into Automated Collections in your Shopify store. This allows for more dynamic and flexible product organization, enabling a single product to appear in multiple collections. This option enhances the navigability and structure of your Shopify store, optimizing your layout and improving the overall user experience by leveraging Shopify’s automated collections feature.

Consolidate Short and Full Descriptions in Target Store

Before starting the migration, if you check "Consolidate Short and Full Descriptions in Target Store" from the additional options, both short and full product descriptions from your source store will be merged into a single description field in the target store. This creates a unified and comprehensive view of product details in one location, making it easier for customers to access all relevant information without navigating between different sections. This option improves the user experience by providing detailed product insights in a clear and consolidated format.

Set Out-of-Stock Product Quantity to 100 in Target Store ($19)

Activate this option to automatically update the quantity of out-of-stock products from your Source Store to 100 units in the Target Store during the migration process. This ensures that all products are available for purchase post-migration, helping to prevent potential lost sales due to stock unavailability. It's a proactive step to maintain business continuity and customer satisfaction as you transition to your new store.

Migrate Source Store Customers Groups into Customer Tags ($19)

Before starting the migration, if you check "Migrate Source Store Customer Groups into Customer Tags" from the additional options, all customer groups from your source store will be migrated as customer tags into your target store.

Spam Customer Detection ($39)

Before starting the migration, if you check "Spam Customer Detection" from the additional options, the system will identify and exclude customer accounts in the source store that are likely created by spam bots. It detects common spam indicators, such as URLs in names or other suspicious data patterns. This ensures your target store starts with a cleaner and more secure customer database.

Calculate Product Price with Tax ($39)

Before starting the migration, if you check "Calculate Product Price with Tax" from the additional options, product prices in the target store will be adjusted to include tax based on the tax settings of the source store. This ensures accurate pricing consistency after migration.

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